Procedure of DYNA DS2-2 (KZ550/650), DS2-1(KZ900/1000)
PN: DS2-2 16,000円くらい
Remove the bolt and hex washer holding the spark advance assembly to the engine.
Feeling good
Mark the points plate position just in case you return to this point plate.
Remove the three screws holding the points plate to the engine.
Disconnect the black and green point wires where they plug into the wire harness and remove the entire point/plate assembly.
KZ650's have a blue wire for the oil pressure switch that must also be disconnected.
Remove the spark advance assembly from the engine.
Remove the points cam from the advance assembly.
Coat the advance assembly shaft with oil. While holding it with the 1-4 side pointing up, slip the DYNA S rotor over the shaft. A magnet approximately 1/4 inch in diameter will be noticed on one side of the rotor.
1−4番側が上になるように持ち、DYNA Sローターを被せます。マグネットがローターの片側に 5mmちょいの所に見えます。
This magnet must face to the left when the 1-4 side on the advance assembly is pointing up.
Spread the weights and push the rotor down until it engages the weights.
Ensure that the rotor rotates freely on the shaft as the advance weights move out and back.
Install the advance /rotor assembly on the engine making sure the pin on the advance assembly is engaged in the pinhole in the crankshaft.
Reinstall the hex washer and bolt, and tighten.
Ensure that the rotor is still free to rotate.
On the KZ650, connect the spade terminal end of the blue wire included with the kit on the oil pressure switch, prior to installing the DYNA S.
Install the DYNA S using the three screws perviously removed, and tighten.
DYNA Sを取り付けます。
Route the cable over to where the points originally plugged in, being careful to avoid the exhaust system. The grommet from the point cable may be used by slitting it with a razor blade to remove it.
On the KZ650, rout the blue wire along with the cable, securing it to the cable with cable ties or tape.
Remove the fuel tank.
Connect the black and green wires to the receptacles where the original points connected, matching the colors. On the KZ650, connect the blue wire where the original blue wire plugged in.
Locate the two ignition coils. There is a red/yellow wire coming from each coil to a common junction in the wire harness. These wires carry the switched 12 volts to the coils. Using the splice connector provided, attach coils. Do not strip the wires.
Timing Procesure
The left module fires cylinder 1-4, the right module fires cylinder 2-3, and each provides ± 10 degrees of adjustment. Moving them counterclockwise advances the timing and clockwise movement retards the timing.
All timing adjustments should be made using the advance timing marks which are approximately 1/2 inch to the right of the F marks on the advance assembly.
1 To time the engine statically, connect a 12 volt test light from the junction of the black coil wires to ground. Do not disconnect the wires. Use a wrench on the advance assembly hex washer to rotate the engine.
2 Turn ignition switch on, while holding the rotor in the fully advanced position (clockwise), slowly rotate engine forward until the test light turns on. The right hand advance mark for cylinders 1-4 should align with the fixed mark on the engine case
3 If the marks do not align, loosen the screws holding the DYNA S plate to the engine, and rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise, as appropriate, and retighten the screws.
4 Rotate the engine backwards until the light goes out, and repeat Step 2 and 3.
5 After 1-4 timing is verified, connect the test light to the green coil wire, and repeat Step 2, using the 2-3 timing marks. If it is necessary to adjust the 2-3 timing, loosen the cap screws holding the right module using alien wrench supplied with the kit; and move it clockwise or counterclockwise as appropriate (.010 inch equal 1 degree) and retighten screws.
6 Recheck timing and adjust as necessary using the above procedure until proper timing is verified.
7 The engine can also be timed dynamically using strobe light in the normal manner. Use the advance marks and an engine speed of about 2,500RPM (Full advance).
Replace timing cover and fuel tank
Put sticker wherever you like
DYNA取り付け手順 DYNA set up
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