おかげさまで Hit!!


Poem "A beautiful Japan"

"A beautiful Japan"           all written by YUSUKE (sorry for my poor English)
from reading "The Dignity of the Nation" 詩 「美しい日本」(「国家の品格」を読んで)

Japanese national flag is beautiful. It is dignified and express hearts of the Japanese spirit well. It is certainly different from country of any place.

There are the four seasons in Japan. It does a Japanese heart delicately wealthily and lets you feel aesthetic response to the transience of beautiful things. A girl of the summer is pretty, too, and a girl of the winter is pretty, too. Four seasons make people happy.

Japanese nature is occasionally violent. Japanese nature is occasionally delicate. Thanks to that, Japanese let a heart excite if I watch a flower and yearn for fleetingly.

There was Bushido in Japan. Sympathy was put the enemy whom I defeated under. It is always mind of the strictly defensive only. It is national security policy. The excellent person lived for will, and it was respected by people. I hope Japanese diplomacy will become like that. At first there is will. That is human's way to live. Hey Japanese!, do you live with romance?

There was the elite in Japan. They gazed off far into the public in vulgarity. However Japan developed thank to their broad perspective so far. They are dignified and beautiful.

The Japanese economy accomplished terrible growth. It is Japanese national traits reason isn't it? The economic will down in the same speed if we lose the mind. is the present Japanese diligent like an the old ? I think we became a piece of breakthrough type. and are covered with capitalism. Did we lose any important thing?

For the long times, the Japanese literacy rate was the world highest standard. Japanese people did reading much, and was good hearted. The Japanese shoud read with bring Firewood again.

There is a beautiful rural district in Japan. A grandma said that I have to protect the field though it is in the red. Hey government, let it turn in the black. Gradma, if a country does not do it, I do it. But wait a little. I have to marry to someone now. Don't make overdo, your health is the most important.

The Japanese manufacturing is terrible. We still have Nation temperament in engeering.
Japanese engineers will do their best.

Japan has many ways. calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony, archery, kendo, gun kendo, short kendo, iaido, judo, karate, Shorinjikenpo, Japanese kenpo, a Japanese dance, etc. Anything is art. I think this mind is a Japanese and we must not exclude this subject in the compulsory education.

A kimono. It is not clothing. There is not readily the person whom a kimono becomes in the other countries. It is because the spirit are different. I wants to become good looks with kimono.

The Japanese national flower is a cherry tree. The Japanese loved that vain flower deeply and have done it as to a national flower. It is the outcome of the national traits from understanding vain's beauty. Long live our spirit.

Have you ever seen Mt. Fuji? A heart is inquired into. But I was not so happy when I descended a mountain by training with running.

Have you ever seen the Japanese country properly? The country scenery stand Japan well. A city is just Part of Japan. No matter how the person is excellent, the rising through the ranks in the city and the pushed its way up to in the city are only of the capitalism. It is only in country side we can develop Japanese hearts. Let's back to the country in the holiday. Let's make a good school in the country.

I want to watch a Yaku cedar. Japanese nature is delicate and beautiful. When we feel we art the one of that nature, I feel really happy. I have a of lot thing to see in Japan. Where will we go to in our vacation?

Religion is to kneel before, to worship of and to value above truth and retribution of some solemn space. Because the Japanese were able to understand the origin, We are calm as for another religion. We should study religion a little more again if it is not felt.

Let's see the things without thinking.
Let's see the things without arrogance.
Let's see the things with senstive to the pathos of life.

Give children a good scolding if they play the bully. Give children a good manner if they don't thank for the delicious meal. Teach children it is bad if they do bad thing no matter how superior they are in others. The disposition and form are important. It is not reason. The back is scary if children don't know to be scolded. There is no necessary to explain why it is bad. we can not explain everthing.

Aging society. It is like time of the Renaissance. We should do like that Grandfather and Grandmother with much virtue teach things well.

A Japanese hardliner is cool. They are not willful but they devote therselves to their will in a sincere manner. It is beautiful figure.

A heart of the coexistence is rich in a Japanese. Thanks to that, it is easy to live in. The willful works with the arrogance. gangsters work with gangsters. As for the Yankee with the Yankee, otaku with otaku. Do not make a bet of a nuisance on another person. Please return our world if you feel painful.

A good thing, a bad thing. they exist by words and in the person by all means. There is not reason. In Japan, Grandfather, Grandmother, a father, a mother taught it. We are losing communication with a family and the neighbor. That teaching system will disappears. Home, the neighbor, a community, a town, a prefecture and a country and Japan must join by a hand again.

When I became desperate with a hopeless feeling, I wished I could find a good teacher. If it is old days, a teacher is neighboring older brother.

I was hospitalized. After all the hospital charges are expensive. But think. How it would really turn out when there was not money. If we were not Japanese? If here was not in Japan, how it would turn out? Our life is thank to just only lucky. Japan's welfare is so rich in a tax being so low. It really terrible.

It was attacked by evil. The evil hesitated about murdering me. The evil in the other coutry never do such a poor work. What I live now is lucky. I have to do my best for the person of other countries.

How does the developing country taking substantial rule by Japanese economy think of us? There is not equality. We have to straighten more ourselves and must know the feeling of the partner. Economy rule, military rule, religion rule, race rule, numerical rule, is there any different?

There is not freedom. Sympathy like a heart of the Japanese is important in such a world.
Who will think that there is really freedom and equality in the world?
Who will believe that world capitalism is an absolute thing?

But everything is easily available, and we feel a any wonder now. What is the difference of us and people in the other countries can't do that? We have to maintain a good sprit becomes our affluent society.

Japan do not contribute to the world much. It is because a Japanese has lost confidence. Straighten more and should do it confidently.

The samurai was respected even though they were poverty. Instead of noble thinking, the Brahman I took religious mendicancy. They were really polite and had cofidence and feft honor. That society is richer than now.

The fierce battle of each place represented in Okinawa or Iwo Jima. What sake for, were the fierce death of our ancestors? The modern Japanese have few opportunities to learn their thought. We must know the feeling of soldiers.

The country will disapper if we solove the problems with depending forces.
The country will be dangerous if we lose the fighting spirit.

What did MacArthur spell the Pacific war casus belli with?
What did the judge spell Tokyo trial of a class-A war criminal with?
Without arguing against it, the Japanese answered with dignified at a trial.
There were big history.
But after all we lost war. Destroyed Japanese education system has changed Japan to here.

Japan didn't become the colony in the long history. Japan had amazing economic growth after the war. And Japan became like this now.
I am anxious Japan will be destroyed unless we remember old sprit.
Let's stand up together.

Recent education system will be anything. It is better to organize a private elementary school of the Edo period once anymore?
Let's stand up together.

It is must to learn logical thinking. The compulsory education is sake for that.
With that in mind, We have to become the back which the Japanese flag matches more

I need a lot of like minded persons.

Can you recognize your important calling?
Can you see the long way to fulfill that?

I am deeply grateful to Grandfather, Grandmother, and ancestral people.
I really feel honor to be born in Japan.


I wrote this poetry around 1 year ago. Because I bought an electronic dictionary yesterday, I remade this poetry this time to serve as an English translation exercise and improve.
The one that had read to here, thank you. Please tell an impression by all means♪